Learning How to Relax: Tips and Techniques

Maeve Kennedy


6 min read

Relaxing can be tough in this day and age with so many distractions; it's like we never have time for ourselves anymore. From work to spending time with your family, you might barely have a couple of hours to yourself by the end of the week if you're lucky. It's important to learn how to relax, or else you'll end up hitting a wall eventually from all-out exhaustion and stress. You might be saying to yourself, 'How can I do that?' Don't worry; we're going to share valuable tips and techniques in this article to guide you.

Make Breathing Exercises a Part of Your Time

Sometimes, all it takes is a deep breath in and a deep breath out. People underestimate the power of the breath, but it's actually one of the easiest tools you have at your disposal to keep yourself grounded and calm. Certain breathing exercises, such as alternate nostril breathing, pursed lip breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing, are all known for their relaxation benefits and can be easily implemented into a schedule for a few minutes a day.

Avoid Bright Screens Before Bed

Lots of screen time before bed is a major no-no. Not only does it keep your mind activated when it should be slowly shutting down, but it also messes with your circadian rhythm, which is your body's clock that manages your sleep. Without proper deep sleep, your mental well-being can be seriously affected and put you at risk of other problems, such as a weak immune system and diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

Set Aside Time to Rest

While it may seem strange, you might need to schedule some downtime to ensure you actually give yourself a chance to relax. Nowadays, we all lead such busy lives that unless we make relaxing a priority and are intentional with our time, we might never get an opportunity to switch off. It might be carving out an hour of your time before bed to wind down from the day, or it may be a case of penciling in time for a massage at the weekend. Whatever way you choose to kick back, allow yourself adequate time to follow through with it.

Practice Mindfulness

We're always hearing about the importance of being present and living in the moment, but how can we do this when there seems to be so much to think, stress about, and worry about? Sometimes, a short mindfulness activity is what we need to bring us back down when we're fixated on something other than what's happening right now. You might find guided meditation work on YouTube works for you, or perhaps it's practicing gratitude in your diary every morning or going on a mindful walk outside for some fresh air that keeps you level-headed.

Prioritize Getting Some Form of Daily Exercise

Exercise can often seem like anything but relaxing, but working out regularly is among the best ways to boost your mood and reduce stress hormones. Furthermore, it promotes better sleep, something which can be tricky for those who struggle to decompress. You don't have to run for miles or lift heavy weights to reap the rewards of exercise. What's essential is that you find an activity you enjoy, as you'll be much more likely to keep it up. With a consistent exercise regimen, you'll steadily start to notice how you're developing a better ability to relax and de-stress.

Take Time to Relax Even When You Don't Feel the Need To

In times when we're feeling full of energy or are simply running on adrenaline, relaxing may not even be on your agenda. Even in these moments, finding time to slow down is just as important. When your body gets used to having little to no quiet time, you increase your chances of encountering problems with sleep, your immune system, and various other health issues. Every day, make a point of reserving a chunk of time to spend doing something that relaxes you, regardless of whether you think you need it! You might not feel the benefits then and there, but your body will thank you in the long run.

Spend Time Outside

It's easy to stick around inside all day and watch the TV, but that could be doing you more harm than good. When you're hiding away in your living room, you're not getting your natural sunlight, which your brain needs to produce more serotonin. Without serotonin, your mood is likely to suffer, making it difficult to unwind and truly relax. However, a scientific report carried out by Nature.com shows if you spend just two hours outside in nature a week, you can significantly improve your mental well-being. This doesn't have to be in any specific order, just what suits you.

Try Some Stretching in the Morning or Evening

As soon as you wake up in the morning, you should try to make it your mission to get up and stretch. Whenever you're stressed, your muscles tend to tighten up, but with some simple stretches, you'll be able to loosen them. It doesn't have to be a full-on yoga class unless you want to, of course; just ten to fifteen minutes every day does the trick. Try to do it as soon as you wake up so you get it over and done with for the day because when you're tired in the evenings, you won't feel motivated.

Discover How to Truly Relax With These Effective Strategies

Start lowering your stress levels and relaxing today by implementing some of these effective strategies in your daily routine. The way society has gone has made it harder and harder to take a break from everyday life and unwind, but by using these tips, you'll be on your way to ultimate relaxation. There's no way you'll be able to do absolutely everything on this list, so you're better off sticking with one thing, seeing if it works for you, and if it doesn't, move on to the next until you find the solution.

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